We’re sorry you’re having trouble with checkout! To help us fix the issue, please follow the steps below to help us gather essential information to diagnose what is going on. We have set up a submission form at the bottom of the page for all of the information requested. If steps 3 and 4 prove too difficult, please submit what you are able to collect anyway; every bit helps.
🛠 Step 1: Capture Any Error Messages
If you see an error when checking out:
- Take a screenshot of the error message.
- If possible, copy and paste the text of the error into an email.
🛠 Step 2: Provide Your Browser & Device Info
This helps us check if it’s a browser-related issue.
- Visit this page:
- Copy the link that the page generates for your unique report using the green Copy URL to clipboard button at the top of the page, paste it somewhere safe to include in your error report.
🛠 Step 3: Capture Your Browser Console Log
Sometimes hidden errors occur in the background. You can help us by capturing a console log.
The console log can be accessed as follows:
- Chrome & Firefox: Right-click anywhere on the checkout page, then choose Inspect from the bottom of the menu that shows up. Then click on “Console” at the top of the area that appears.
- Edge: The same process, except that Edge might reduce the section headings to icons for inactive sections. If this is the case, click on the icon just to the right of where it says “Elements”.
- Safari: Press Command + Control + C
- If nothing happens, open the Safari Preferences (Command + Comma), click on Advanced near the end of the bar along the top, then make sure that the checkbox reading “Show features for web developers” is checked. Then close the Safari Preferences window and try again.
Saving the Console Log
Once you have found the console log the procedure is as follows:
- Reload the page and try checkout again.
- If the error occurs again, do the following to save the log for us:
- Chrome & Firefox: Right-click anywhere within the console message area, then choose Export Visible Messages To > File and save the log to a memorable location, such as your desktop or downloads folder.
- Edge: Right-click anywhere within the console message area, then choose Save As and save the log to a memorable location, such as your desktop or downloads folder.
- Safari: Click near the top of one of the log entry rows, then press Command + A to select all the entries, then right-click and choose Save Selected from the menu that appears.
- This one can be tricky sometimes; if things seem to jump to another location because you clicked the body of a row you can click on Console along the top of the panel to bring you back where you were.
On Mobile
- If you see an error, take a screenshot and send it to us.
🛠 Step 4: Save the archive of your page load
This will explain how to generate a .har file to upload using the form below. This file will provide us with information regarding exactly what activity was going on at the time you were attempting to check out.
The following is done from the Network tab of the developer panel (two to the right from where it says Console):
- Chrome: In the row just below the tab bar ther e is an icon that looks like a down arrow pointing into a tray or square bracket turned on its side; click on it. A window will pop up asking where you wish to save the file.
- Firefox: In the row just below the tab bar make sure that All is selected, then click on the gear icon at the end of the bar. Choose Save All As HAR from the menu that appears. A window will pop up asking where you wish to save the file.
- Safari: Just below the tab bar there will be a text box, followed by a dropdown menu; make sure that the dropdown menu is set to All. Once that has been confirmed, click the Export button at the far-right side of the same bar. A window will pop up asking where you wish to save the file.
- Edge: Similar to Chrome, Edge has an icon consisting of a down arrow pointing at a horizontal line to download the file. Immediately below this is a series of filters; be sure that All is selected. Once that has been confirmed click the button with the down arrow; a window will pop up asking where you wish to save the file.
As with the console logs, we recommend saving this file in a memorable location such as your Downloads folder.
Thank You! 🚀
Your help allows us to identify and fix the issue faster. We appreciate your patience!