This 500 S&W Magnum load is called The Omega as it represents the heaviest projectile “commonly” offered for the X-Frame and single shot rifles. It features a gas-checked, 700 grain, hard cast LFNGC bullet. It offers exceptional penetration and energy, along with unparalleled momentum from a handgun cartridge.
WARNING: This load has vicoius recoil and should absolutely be kept away from novice shooters. Due to the lost energy when shooting from shorter barrels, recoil is painful but less punishing than light-framed 454 Casulls and the Scandium-framed 44 Magnum. Shooting more than one cylinder WILL cause discomfort, but injuries are unlikely.
1,300 FPS (20″ barrel)
1,090 FPS (4″ barrel)
20 Rounds